2013-05 A new summer season, a new opportunity

A new summer season, a new opportunity turned out to be very true. Apart from “doing my own thing”, I also look for other networks and groups to get deal flow from and add some value to the startups. Late February I met the founders of the 7write team while they were preparing their pitch in Amsterdam’s accelerator program Startup Bootcamp (SBC). Ordinarily not something that turns heads, but these guys made it all the way from Australia. That definitely shows commitment and an unrelenting faith in themselves and their venture. Something we as investors like. They made the cut at SBC, and are now one of the 9 teams that’s given the change to grow and accelerate their concept into a business proposition, preferably with some traction already. Apart from 15,000 euro’s and certain facilities, they get access to a set of selected mentors, one of which is Tige Warber.

The 7write team; Mark, Tiffany, Paul (left to right)

The 7write team; Mark, Tiffany, Paul (left to right)

7write is a self publisher, enables users to publish anything they want in the formats they choose. From concept all the way through to a publish ready formatted book, 7write helps you through the entire process. Definitely a gigantic and still growing market.

7write stood out from the pack basically straight away. Sometimes you run into a venture that ticks a few boxes straight away; team, market, idea, drive. Long story short, we arrived at mutual agreeable deal, and Tige Warber is now the proud investor in 7write; remember that name…


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